Je pense, donc je suis.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Thou shalt make others covet you?

So, I was watching T.V. with my mom last night (it was House night :])
and a commercial came on that kind of hit me as interesting.

It was a car commercial (i don't remember what kind) but they had different women on there saying why they liked the car and blah blah blah.
Nothing special right?
Until one woman, with a big cheesy smile,that if someone in real life was wearing, we might ask her who did her facelift so we can know who to avoid, said "Oh my gosh. My friends are SO jealous!"

Hmm. God said "Thou shalt not covet" but he never said that we couldn't try to make others covet us...

But hold up.
"Oh my gosh. My friends are SO jealous!"
Why would we want to make our friends jealous?
Aren't they our friends?
Shouldn't we want the best for our friends and for them to be happy?

So if that's true, what makes that statement so appealing?
What would make us, as a society, hear that statement then rush to buy this car?

Because, as a society, we are completely and totally "me-centered".
Because everything we do has to benefit US, or make OUR lives easier, or make US feel better about OUR pathetic little selves.

Isn't it sad that most of us use our friends only to make ourselves feel better?
We see no point in the relationship if there is nothing in it for us.
We see no point in ANYTHING if there is nothing in it for us.

Think about it.
Let's say there are two cars.
Both are the same price.
Both run fine.
The first is a very attractive car, with a perfect,custom paint job, heated,leather seats, built in DVD player, and those fancy seats that flip up so you can put all your useless junk underneath. It's the newest and best in comfort and design.
The second is a used car that's not very pretty, a few years old, scratched paint, torn seats, kind of bumpy, not very much foot room, but nothing that would prevent it from working properly.
The commercial for car number one says "You'll make your friends jealous" "Everyone will want your car." "Everyone will be talking about 'Oh my gosh, did you see so-and-so's new car?'"
The commercial for our second car says "Hey, it's not very pretty, but it'll get you where you need to go, and if you buy it, 50% of proceeds go to help starving children in Africa."

Honestly, which car are you going to buy?

Okay, newsflash.
Despite what we're told by the media everyday,
we're not here to serve ourselves.
Sorry to break it to you.
We're here to serve God and I'm pretty sure He said something about "Whatever you do to the least of these, you do to me."
Our main purpose in life is not to make sure we've had a nice comfortable ride when we die,
it's to save as many souls as possible for Jesus Christ.
And, I'm sorry, but most of the time, that means putting them first.

Think about it.........