
My friend Destiny commited suicide last night. She made a loop in a belt and hung herself from her closet door. No one expected it. Not from her. I talked to Destiny everyday after school. Even yesterday we laughed and joked and I gave her a hug and said "See you tomorrow". Destiny ALWAYS had a smile on her face. She was opitimistic with a great sense of humor. Lively and bubbley. Her beautiful brown eyes were always gleaming with excitment. She had a presence about her that made you smile and laugh when you were around her. Alot of people, including me, loved her dearly.
However, some of my peers found (more like created) reasons to pick on her. She was probably one of the most talked-about girls at school. If she was ever mentioned in a conversation including people who didn't know her well, someone would always say "Destiny? You mean the whore one?". Destiny had never slept around. Kids who were bored with their own pathetic excuses for lives decided they needed someone to pick on for their entertainment. And Destiny became their target.
These rumors became so bad and so widespread that some of Destiny's friends began to believe them and deserted her. But she never seemed to mind. She never complained or talked bad about kids who bad-mouthed her. She was just...happy.
But after three years of these rumors, I'm sure it started to wear on her. I personally know how that feels. She was having family problems, the boy she liked had listened to the kids telling the rumors, and she was losing friends as the rumors got worse. She just couldn't handle it. I know one thing going through her mind last night was "When I do this, everyone will see what they did to me, and maybe they'll feel bad, and won't do it to anyone else."
If you had been a kid that picked on her, you would have felt bad. You would have felt guilty. And you would probably be hating yourself at the time. Any human would. I even feel a bit guilty because I never told her that I loved her or that she made my day a little bit happier. I thought it was implied; NEVER EVER EVER ASSUME THAT. But the kids at my school aren't human. They're animals. No one felt bad. Infact, people thought it was funny. FUNNY. You could walk down the halls and hear "Hahahahaha. She was a whore anyways." or "Hahaha. She probably had so many STD's that she knew she wasn't going to live anyways". One girl even had the nerve to come up to me and say "Well, she's in hell now." I said "Excuse me, who do you think you are?! God?!
If you didn't really know Destiny, it's understandable if you're not broken down into tears, but laughing at her? I'm not asking for sympathy for her, just a little respect for human life.
These kids helped take a life, and they think it's funny. Makes you sick doesn't it? If this is the next generation that will run our nation, we're not going to be here much longer.