Je pense, donc je suis.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Poems for English

These are the poems I wrote for a project in English class.

What secrets have you hidden in your soul
That you lock up and harbor deep within
These secret things make you a perfect whole
The life you've lived, each thought that has e'er been
You tightly grasp your secrets kept untold
Your heart a door and trust the misplaced key
Unlock the door, I swear I'll dearly hold
All the things that others cannot see

Extra Small
Ninety pounds, watches the scale go down
Still not content, intent on losing more
She's losing this internal war
She sees obesity in her size four

Ugly scars on her self esteem
Teenage girls can be so mean
She's throwing up in bathroom stalls
And trying on the extra smalls

The hurt is so deep; her efforts a waste
She feels no pretter just farther away
From the girl she used to be; can't even see her face
Through protruding cheekbones. She can't find her place
What is this addiction that she constantly craves?
Breaks her mirror. Her body's wasting away

The Game of Love
Do you realize that my love you stole
You give your smile unto another's eyes
I should not cry o'er what I can't control
But he who fails is always one who tries

Your love for me was only just a fraud
A game played to amuse your searching heart
But at this game your skill I must applaud
I trusted you right from the very start

And even though my broken heart beats frail
It still denies your humble sheeps disguise
For what we had seemed like a fairytale
Sure truth is beautiful but so are lies

I hope my heart did yours so entertain
That one day you'll return to play again

Who am I that you in all your power
Would hold my hand and guide me through each day
Would want so much to be my closest friend
That you would choose to give your life away

Where am I that in the universe
Your ever watching eye could see me here
You'd rather watch decisions that I make
Than planets twirling in the atmosphere

What am I that you would choose to make
Something whose heart changes on a whim
Birds and beasts trust you more than I
Yet you have said you love me more than them

Why am I that you would place me here
In this body with this life to live
A small amount of time is all I have
So unto you my life I freely give